7 Things To Do Under Recession Posted on August 26, 2022August 26, 2022by genkiware adminPosted in Genkidriver, Others, Prestashop0 Opportunities Under Recession No matter for what reasons, it is a fact that Hong Kong slips into recession in recent…
How to Configure OpenEMR Admin Clinic (Cantonese) Posted on August 12, 2022August 12, 2022by genkiware adminPosted in OpenEMR0
How to generate demo data for openEMR Posted on August 10, 2022September 8, 2022by genkiware adminPosted in OpenEMR0 Download the program from the following link https://github.com/openemr/demo-data-generator cd demo-data-generator virtualenv venv . venv/bin/activate if you haven't installed, please type…
Tutorial for Prestashop to decorate a controller – How to add paid and outstanding amount in order page Posted on August 4, 2022August 4, 2022by genkiware adminPosted in Prestashop0 .lst-kix_list_2-6>li:before { content: "- " } .lst-kix_list_2-7>li:before { content: "- " } ul.lst-kix_list_1-0 { list-style-type: none } .lst-kix_list_2-4>li:before { content:…