EDI Solutions
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the leading option for retail and company partners to automate company information exchange. Per the research by Supply Chain Insights and presented in the study “EDI: Value Chain Workhorse,” extensive EDI implementation leading to hands-free order processing can reduce the order-to-shipment cycle of an enterprise by 50%.
Managed EDI Service
A managed EDI service, we coordinates and assumes responsibility for providing all the major components necessary for electronic data interchange, including the translation hardware/software, managing the communication network, mapping, IT and technical support. In a managed EDI setting, the company only needs to manage the software.
Items such as networking equipment, servers, operating systems, licenses, maintenance contracts and the personnel to maintain them are included in our managed EDI service model.
A full-service, our managed EDI service enables your company to consolidate resources, increasing efficiency, accuracy, compatibility and congruity, eventually saving the money and time.
Our managed EDI services consist of:
AS2 EDI-INT set up
We set up EDI-INT AS2 software, conduct testing AS2 with your trading partner and train your EDI personnel to use this state-of-the-art EDI connection standard.
EDI ERP interface programming
Create interface programs to facilitate EDI data input and output from your in-house ERP system. We can increase your productivities by using interface programs to import and export EDI data to/from your ERP. Thus reduce human data entry errors and increase the speed and efficiency of your order fulfillment flow.
Custom programming
Tedious repetitive tasks not only reduce company resources’ productivity but also take away bottom-line company profitability. Automate it! With a push of a button, data entries, orders, reports, bill of lading, etc. are completed instantly.
EDI Programming
From mapping to projects to production and support, we have the personnel, technology, and infrastructure to make you successful.
Turn-Key EDI System
EDI Solutions installs an EDI translator on your PC, initiates contact with your first trading partner, tests communications and translations of your incoming and outgoing EDI documents.
EDI roadmap recommendation
EDI Solutions evaluates your company’s current information technology, makes recommendation, creates a proposal and implements proposed EDI solutions from start to finish.
Mapping at Fixed Prices
You can take advantage of this talent on a hourly or fixed price basis to fulfill your mapping requirements. We provide mapping services on the translator of your choice. Our expertise crosses most major industries and includes X12, EDIFACT and XML positional mapping. You provide the mapping specifications and desired results and we’ll do the rest.
Map Maintenance
Designed to help your company minimize the high cost of turnover and employee training, EDI Solutions has created a program to help our clients budget their maintenance to existing maps. No longer do you need to worry about retraining your staff to handle map changes that occur periodically and impact your other project needs. Just leave the changes to us.