16° PrestaShop Meetup in Hong Kong: eCommerce in Metaverse Posted on December 31, 2021July 28, 2022by nadyaPosted in Events, Prestashop0 We successfully done an online meet up on December 30th, 2021. The topic of this meet up is "How the…
15° PrestaShop Meetup in Hong Kong: Cross-Border e-Commerce Posted on December 31, 2021July 28, 2022by nadyaPosted in Events, Prestashop0 We are happy that we are able to hold a meet up on October 22th, 2021. In case that you…
14° PrestaShop Meetup in Hong Kong (online meetup) Posted on April 12, 2021April 12, 2021by genkiware adminPosted in Events, Prestashop00 • What we'll do Hello, Prestashopper, we would like to invite you to join our 14th meetup in Hong Kong.…
Effective data management improves online store sales (Video and Slide Review) Posted on December 8, 2020December 8, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Events, Prestashop00 Title: Effective data management improves online store sales (Video and Slide Review) In this webinar, we have shared our experience…
實效數據管理提升網店銷量 Posted on December 5, 2020December 5, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Events, Prestashop00 Title: 實效數據管理提升網店銷量 針對網店商戶而設,邀請電商專家分享營商之道 – 網店商戶如何運用數據鼓勵客戶消費,同時事半功倍地吸納新客戶,成為你的網店忠實粉絲! • 管理和閱讀大數據好辦法 • 如何掌控和鼓勵顧客的購物行為 • 認識自動化營銷工具 Date: 3 Dec 2020 (Thursday) | 11:00am – 12:00noon…
New Trends of eCommerce That Cannot Be Ignored in 2020 Posted on June 27, 2020July 3, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Digital Marketing, Events, Prestashop00 This time we are so glad that we had a chance to coooperate a webinar with 2 great companies, Amazon…
不可忽視的新趨勢電子商務攻略2020 Posted on June 12, 2020June 12, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Events, Prestashop00 14:30 HKT | 26 JUNE 2020 會議方式: Zoom WEBINAR https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-tickets-109268474950 您的電子商務業務是否具有擴展能力? 您如何轉變業務以實現擴張和可持續增長?您是否知道有自動化營銷工具可以幫助您進行個人化的行銷活動及溝通方式。隨著互聯網進步, 使用自動化營銷工具和軟件可以幫助您有效運行,節省資源等, 與您的客戶互動,甚至幫助您銷售產品, 他們可以做的事比您想像的要多,可以幫助您減輕客戶服務人員的壓力。但是從何開始著手? Amazon Web Services、GrowthMarkerter Academy 和…
THE DIGITAL MARKETING ERA: eCOMMERCE ANSWERS THE ‘CALL’ Posted on April 25, 2020April 25, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Events, Prestashop00 17:00 HKT | 29 APRIL 2020 WEBINAR https://landings.useinsider.com/en-hk/en-hk/ecommanswersthecall?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=speakers-share-Kirsty&utm_content=webinar-HK-ecommerce-answers-the-call
Trends in eCommerce (shelovesdata x Prestashop) Posted on April 18, 2020April 25, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Events, Prestashop00 In this webinar Candace Cheung will share the latest eCommerce trend and how to utilize Prestashop eCommerce solution to respond…
Today’s Top 4 Marketing Campaign Challenges Posted on March 20, 2020July 3, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Digital Marketing, Events, Prestashop00 In our 13th Prestashop meetup, we talked about the today's top 4 marketing campaign challenges that most businesses will face.…