Happy Chinese New Year 2021! 牛年新年快樂! Posted on February 11, 2021January 11, 2022by genkiware adminPosted in Others00 願君喜迎新春牛,勤力敬業似耕牛,身強體壯賽公牛,心平氣和不鬥牛;愛情美滿勝牽牛,財運亨通賺金牛,春風得意莫吹牛,一年更比一年牛。 May you be prosperous! Wishing you prosperity and wealth! May you come into a good fortune!
Happy New Year 2021! Posted on December 31, 2020January 11, 2022by genkiware adminPosted in Others00 We are lucky that we got customers like you for our business who really understand the work process and you…