Let’s install Cloudera with docker.

Let’s install Cloudera with docker.

I supposed you have installed docker in your computer. If you don’t, please refer this url


Here are the steps to install Cloudera.

1/. docker pull cloudera/quickstart:latest

2/. docker run --privileged=true --hostname=quickstart.cloudera -t -i -v /Users/yourusername/Documents/cloudera:/src --publish-all=true -p 8888 cloudera/quickstart /usr/bin/docker-quick-start

The required flags and other options are described in the following:

–hostname=quickstart.cloudera Required: Pseudo-distributed configuration assumes this hostname.
–privileged=true Required: For HBase, MySQL-backed Hive metastore, Hue, Oozie, Sentry, and Cloudera Manager.
-t Required: Allocate a pseudoterminal. Once services are started, a Bash shell takes over. This switch starts a terminal emulator to run the services.
-i Required: If you want to use the terminal, either immediately or connect to the terminal later.
-p 8888 Recommended: Map the Hue port in the guest to another port on the host.
-p [PORT] Optional: Map any other ports (for example, 7180 for Cloudera Manager, 80 for a guided tutorial).
-d Optional: Run the container in the background.
-v Optional: allows to share volumes with the container, so anything in the /Users/yourusername/Documents/cloudera
–publish-all=true Optional: opens up all the host ports to the docker ports

Getting HUE to work!

  1. sudo docker ps , and get the docker [CONTAINER ID] .
  2. Run docker inspect [CONTAINER ID] 
  3. Scroll up and look for the code block looks like;


login: cloudera
pass: cloudera

To run Cloudera Manager, simply type the following command. However, you must type it inside the [root@quickstart /]# /home/cloudera/cloudera-manager --express --force

Type the following command to get your container IP if you don’t know

docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' [CONTAINER ID]

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