3 easy ways to make a live streaming in your video marketing Posted on May 30, 2020May 30, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Digital Marketing, Prestashop00 One of our clients, they got a significant sale growth in past months during the pandemic peak. The live streaming…
8 simple marketing campaigns to boost the sale on Mother’s Day 2020 Posted on May 6, 2020May 6, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Digital Marketing, Prestashop0 It won't be a normal Mother's Day this year. However, no matter what circumstances there are and it is a…
Why COVID-19 is a good opportunity for Ecommerce Startups? Posted on April 9, 2020April 9, 2020by genkiware adminPosted in Digital Marketing, Prestashop00 In economic downturns, consumer demand for “nice-to-have” products goes down as buyers focus on their more basic needs. Health, wellness…